Congratulations to LB on winning the draw for the bear, T. Harv Eker's book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", and workshop!

Empowering others with financial knowledge and tools so they can achieve their goals & dreams

Creating Peace of Mind Through Financial Preparedness

Did you know according to Stats Canada, only 10% of Canadians retire above the low income line?

When my father's company offered early retirement packages, he was disqualified because he was born 55 days too late. He survived a heart attack and worked another 5 years before receiving his pension, which he enjoyed for 3 years before he passed. Why didn't he retire sooner? Simple...because he was one of the 90% who couldn't afford to.

As a financial professional, I know now that my father had all the tools he needed to retire much earlier. If only someone like me had sat down with him, perhaps he could have enjoyed more retirement years with his family, and spent more time doing what he loved.

MoneyMakeovers (aka. 101 Money) is my personal site to express my thoughts and tips on all things financial and entrepreneurial. As a licensed life broker, I desire to make it clear that all the opinions expressed on this site are my own and do not reflect any other organization.

Sincerely, Tina Michelle Moller

(It's Not) About Me