Life Beyond a Back Injury - Momentum's Self Employment Program

I’ve been employed with Canada Post since June 2011.  Awesome job!  I loved the people I worked with and I was earning a decent wage with incredible benefits.  When I originally injured my back in 2017, Canada Post accommodated me so I was able to continue working and took very little time off.  (Note: when something’s heavy, don’t be a hero; get help to me).  After finding an amazing chiropractor, I was almost back to my old self; but a few months later, I had to transfer due to developing PTSD from severe harassment at work.  (Story for another day). 

The harassment continued after I left and after an exceptionally bad day, my back pain returned.  According to doctors, I developed a neurological condition called Chronic Pain Syndrome.  In other words, my brain was translating stress signals into pain signals.  My condition deteriorated until I was completely bedridden, making employment at any location impossible.

To add to this wonderful experience, I did not qualify for any worker’s benefits because my condition was considered new and not work related.  I also didn't qualify for long-term disability because although Canada Post’s insurance provider does recognize chronic pain conditions, none are considered qualified disabilities.  I also didn't qualify for Employment Insurance because I was unable to return to work full-time. 

Going from $80,000 a year income to $20,000 a year, in addition to the stuff I was already dealing with, was a blow to say the least…

And then I discovered Momentum’s Self-Employment Program. 

I was already enrolled in their Fair Gains Savings Program (which is exceptional, by the way); and enrolled immediately into the Self Employment Program the instant I learned about it.  The first week was easy-peasy (I bet you haven’t heard that term in a while).  The second week and every week following was anything but.  My background in business and my talent for typing definitely made it easier for me, but this is a program that challenges all levels of ability. 

I’ve made several attempts to go into business for myself previously, but for some reason, I always hit a wall; a psychological barrier I could never seem to get past.  Thankfully, Momentum doesn’t just address the technical skills needed for business, it provides coaching and a counsellor to help you with the psychological aspects, which is a phenomenal resource I’ve never seen offered in any other program.  Not only do I feel more confident now than I have in years, but I've surpassed beyond the psychological barriers that held me back in the past.  I am now earning an income again, and even better, my stress levels have been reduced so much, I have much less pain.  

I’ve always trusted the saying that when God closes a door, He opens a window.  For the past two years, it seemed every door and window near me had been slammed and nailed shut.  But now I know if it wasn’t for the series of events that led me to this point, I would never have taken Momentum’s Self Employment Program and would have missed out on all the wonderful experiences that followed.

They are now accepting new enrollments: Programs & Services - Momentum.  Please let them know I sent you.  I don't get compensated by them but I would like them to know how much I appreciate them and support their mission.

The opinions expressed in this blog are my own and do not reflect WFG or any other organization. I also claim any errors made as my own. To offer corrections or feedback, please contact me. Sincerely, Tina Michelle Moller